Wednesday, June 01, 2005

In Which She Directs Your Attention to a New Feature

Being that I am far from a computer whiz, and know relatively little about this html bag, I'm very proud to have found a way to add a "Links" sidebar (at right). The links posted will focus primarily on guitar topics, but will also include links to pages I find inspiring. Case in point, the Everyday Matters blog by artist/writer/neophyte guitarist Danny Gregory. It is because of Danny that I have started to draw again, which I believe in some way helps my guitar playing as well. If you look at his blog, go to his archives and read January/February/March 2004. These are my favorite entries.

Oh, and yes, there's a link to the Shambhala website, since without meditation I could never have summoned the patience to become the Go Go Guitar Girl.


Blogger Rob said...

Thanks for stopping by and linking to my site. You rock, go go guitar girl.


11:12 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Rob, you are quite welcome! My pleasure. Thanks for inspiring me to create the links section in the first place!

Danny, you (and Jack) have lots of other things going on in your lives besides guitar. For example, I happen to know that you recently logged over 600 pieces of art for your next book. I know this because said pieces of art are sitting in a big trunk in my office at this very moment.

Ha! How on earth did you find my blog?!

10:45 PM  

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