Monday, June 06, 2005

Wherein She Goes Back to Telling You About Her Practice

Tonight I practiced for an hour and a half. Or, at the very least, I held my guitar for that long. Some of the time wasn't spent actually playing, but instead looking for tabs on the internet. Honestly, I don't know what beginner guitar players did before the internet. If they wanted to play their favorite songs, did they actually go shell out cash for songbooks? Nowadays that seems like a big waste of money. As Gillian Welch puts it, these days

Everything is free,
That's what they say.
Everything I ever done,
They're gonna take it away.*

After investigating several songs I was interested in learning, I settled on A Campfire Song by 10,000 Maniacs. BTW, I base my choice of songs on the following criteria: 1) comprised mostly of chords I already know how to play; 2) fun to sing. If the arrangement is meant for a male voice, I'll just capo it up a few frets so it better fits my second-soprano range.

But I digress. The one snag in A Campfire Song is the bridge, wherein I have to sing not only Natalie Merchant's part, but also Michael Stipe's cameo appearance. Hard to be in two places at once.

*Note: I have long believed this to be a song about internet piracy. If anyone knows differently, however, by all means feel free to correct me.


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