Monday, October 17, 2005

Wherein She Discusses Diatonic Triads

You know what's more fun than a barrel of monkeys? Well, it ain't learning your diatonic triads, let me tell you that. But apparently they come in handy, and thus it is my fate to learn their mysterious ways.

For those of you who aren't spending your evenings with your noses stuck in The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory, a diatonic triad is basically a three-note chord. Like when you hear me complaining that the F major chord is not my friend, because you have to barre it and my fingers just don't want to cooperate, what I'm actually talking about is the diatonic triad of F, A, and C. But the name it's given is "F major" because it's a major chord with F as its root.

So I've barely begun explaining this very important musical concept, and already you're bored. You're totally scrolling down to the previous post, wondering if there's anything that's at all interesting on this silly blog. Don't deny it. You don't think diatonic triads are sexy.

Sigh. I'm afraid I have to agree with you. During my lesson tonight I thought I was going to fall over with boredom (and fatigue, last evening's slumber having been fitful thanks to nightmares about an author whose book I edited yesterday). So much so that when I left I called GTO and cancelled our dinner plans for polish food in Greenpoint, suddenly preferring home and pajamas.

Diatonic triads, I shake my fist at thee! Were it not for you, I'd be eating pierogies and kasha varnishkes right now!


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